We lay the foundation for your satisfaction

Intelligent design means thinking about tomorrow today and carefully selecting the necessary building equipment in line with individual customer requirements. Whether the building is sustainable, smart and of high quality is already determined in the initial design stages.

With a variety of programmes, desinging methods such as Building Information Modelling and energy efficiency in mind, we can offer our customers fully comprehensive planning of the technical building equipment for their building, not only minimising project risks but also maximising project success.

Our service portfolio lists all the design services we use to ensure a successful building.

Intelligent -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Efficient right from the start – A smart building knows its users and can respond to their needs based on user data, for example by automatically switching on the lights when they enter the room. When planning buildings, we use Building Information Modelling, which allows our customers to experience a virtually planned building as a user even before it is realised.

A digitally planned building thus not only enables fast, but also flexible adjustments to the building with a lower error rate. As a result, our projects are successfully realised both on time and economically.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sustainable

Sustainability starts with planning – buildings save energy when they are properly equipped and interact with the user. With smart building planning, we ensure that the building adapts to its user.

Based on user data and the digital networking of technical components, the building can use as much energy as it actually needs. People often forget to switch off the lights, turn down the heating or lower the blinds. Automated processes for lighting control, temperature regulation and ventilation help to ensure that technology takes over environmental responsibility precisely where people might forget to do so.

Individual ---------------------------------------------------------------------

For us, people take centre stage – for us, human-centric planning is planning that is satisfying and barrier-free. The „perfect building“ looks slightly different for each of our customers. That’s why we want to create satisfaction, comfort and community with customised digital planning using BIM. We achieve this with intelligent building technology and customer-centred planning.

Understanding people is the basic prerequisite for a successful building.

That’s why we are available to our customers for questions and problems of all kinds, from the initial idea to the finished building and beyond.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regional

Mit Gebäuden Regionen stärken – In vielerlei Hinsicht ist eine Planung im Hinblick auf die Region sinnvoll. Ob energetische Selbstversorgung mit Photovoltaik, Wärmepumpen oder Geothermie – Energie vor Ort abrufen zu können heißt nicht nur unabhängig vom allgemeinen Stromnetz zu sein, sondern auch weniger bis eventuell sogar nichts für seinen Strom zahlen zu müssen.

Stromerzeuger wie Photovoltaikanlagen stellen nicht nur die Energieversorgung sicher, sondern sorgen auch dafür, dass Gebäude grünen Strom beziehen und die Umwelt schützen können.

In unserer Planung berücksichtigen wir zudem regionale Lieferanten und stärken so regionale Lieferketten.

Taking control of the portfolio - recognising and exploiting potential

Potential should be utilised – which is why we not only plan the technical building services for new buildings, but also evaluate existing properties as part of our technical due diligence. We place particular emphasis on our area of expertise – technical building services – and determine the extent to which existing systems in the areas of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and sanitation as well as electrical installations and security are functional, efficient, sustainable and smart. In doing so, we take into account both the current status and possible modernisation and optimisation potential.

Our TDD also includes a comprehensive assessment of other important aspects such as the property, structural conditions, type of management, new utilisation potential and any risks. By combining all this information, we create a holistic and objective impression of the property.